Friday 4 July 2014

Marilyn Tompkins IS The Look of Malignant Narcissism

Talk about snake eyes!

Talk about a smirk!

This hag's name is Marilyn Tompkins and she is a vile MALIGNANT NARCISSIST.

The Witch is filled with nothing but sheer MALICE.

Years ago this crazy vengeful HAG orchestrated a vicious mobbing of me in the building where I lived. And if that wasn't enough, she filed a false police report on me when I was out of town.

Why? Because I exercised my rights as a tenant. That, and it was a typical malignant narcissist smear campaign and character assassination because I was on to her and her thug husband.

I am in receipt of the police report she filed on me and pathological lies don't come close to describing her work of fiction. She's utterly insane. She's also broken the law and is guilty of public mischief.

Next to my vindictive, liar of a malignant narcissist sister Colleen (who she colluded with), she and her flying monkey husband (Ted Tompkins) are the most dangerous predators I have ever encountered in my life. Dangerous, because they are STUPID... stupid and mentally deranged enough to think the rules don't apply to them.

Think: down river banjo pickin' inbreds from Deliverance country.


Behold a full frontal of  the repugnant Marilyn Tompkins. What an ugly little gargoyle! HIDEOUS!

Separated at birth...


  1. Creepy photo. I've seen that sneering look before from MNs in my life. I guess they really are all the same.

    1. I think that sneering look is her camera ready "smile."

      Truly grotesque!

  2. Two crossed trees = HEX. I know another rancid dwarf like this, she puts voodoo dolls stuck with pins in her colleagues' office drawers.

    1. Two crossed treed = HEX? Is the hex on her or does that mean she's casting a hex?

  3. With a face like that my guess is that the hex smacked her full on.

    1. Hahahaha!!! Oh yeah, that ugly little goblin was born cursed! It explains why she's so filled with venom towards people who don't look like they should be perched on the ledge of a building or living under a bridge.

  4. Ok, Lisette where did you get that picture of my mother?

    I said I never wanted to see her again. What creeps me out most about MN is the constant feeding of supply. She looks like she just got a bellyful.

  5. This woman reminded me of my MN mother even though she doesn't look like her. I guess it was because of the evil glint in her eyes and trademark MN smirk.

    And yes, she has a belly full of supply as she had just been on a major feeding frenzy. I have a photo of her a year later when she's starved of supply and there is a marked difference. I'll post the pic soon.

  6. The intensity of the eyes, I think, is an indicator for mental illness which, despite what the mental health community is now saying, Narcissism is a form of mental illness. You will see this same intensity from the eyes of serial killers. I just started a pinterest board dedicated to the burning eyes of the violently mentally ill. It's a theory that I have, but, I think it has some merit. I'm going to post the url so if anyone has any input I would love to hear it. Pinterest:

    Lisette, you are not alone - and thankfully you are there. I felt alone for decades - it's so hard to describe growing up in a NPD household to regular lay people. They just don't get it. Congratulations on all your accomplishments!

  7. Michelle, thanks for your comment. I will definitely check out your Pinterest. Feel free to use the pic I posted, I have evidence that this woman is violently mentally disturbed. I am currently working to have the false report she filed on me expunged. Even though there were no charges laid - she concocted a story when I went out of town - her slander of me remains in police files as facts. I busted her through the residential tenancy branch, now I want to bring criminal charges against her for committing public mischief - deceiving police by filing a false report.

    I think your theory is interesting and frankly I agree with it. I refrain from calling malignant narcissists mentally ill because that implies they don't know what they are doing and their behavior is out of their control which it is not. Malignant narcissists are the most calculating monsters out there. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. They have a certain amount of control over their faculties. But the lies they spin! They are outrageous and they believe them! This shows they are out of touch with reality. Every malignant narcissist I have known, I would classify insane. It's no surprise the deranged hag in the photo painted me to police as "mentally ill" and acting " erratically." Mental illness seems to be a favorite projection levied by the malignant narcissist against their target. That says a lot. What are they hiding behind those beady snake eyes? What do they really know about themselves?

    As far as that MN's pic goes, it doesn't even require a back story. You can tell by looking at her that she is violently mentally ill. As the old saying goes, the eyes are the window to the soul... Or lack there of.

  8. Speaking of projections, my mothers favorite projection was, "they must hate themselves for hating so much". I believe it. That is how she really feels about herself deep down.

  9. This woman is evil. Women make worse Narcs then men. I know, I have one in my family. HELP!!

  10. Your home is supposed to feel like a safe place. I am sorry you are being harassed. I have a rule to avoid neighbors on purpose. I know this may sound odd, since it seems a housebound person like me would enjoy a few apt neighbors, but I always had the thought that one could be nice and then "turn" on me, and I need my home to feel safe even for my health. So I just am boringly polite and say as little as possible even in buildings I have lived in for years. I hope things get better for you Lisette.

    1. That was exactly what happened to me, a rather too nosy neighbor who became obsessive and began stalking and slandering me. I eventually went to a lawyer who sorted out the problem - she has to stay no contact. You can be on cordial terms with your neighbors, but never reveal anything personal. It's usually a bored woman who causes the most trouble, but I have heard some horror stories about unemployed or retired men.

  11. Peep, thank you for your concern. I'm not currently being harassed. The hag in the photo is a former building manager. I moved out of the building long ago and took them to Tenancy court for harassment and won. Now I'm having them investigated for public mischief for deceiving police and filing a false report on me while I was a tenant. I'm not going to let their lies about me sit around in a file. I urge anyone who has been slandered to do the same.

    I also keep a low profile and am polite to my neighbours, but when your building managers are mentally deranged malignant narcissists one cannot avoid problems, unless of course you're okay with living in a building that is run like a prison camp and you're treated like an inmate. "Control" and "violation of privacy" doesn't begin to describe what these Statsi freaks were up to. How would you like it when you exited or entered the building they captured your image on the video surveillance system and handed you pics of yourself, just to let you know that you are being WATCHED. I have a novel in me from living in that house of horrors. Again, it was a building run by malignant narcissists. It was NOT normal by any stretch of the imagination.

  12. i have been dealing with a bitch like this for a few years now
