Showing posts with label Exposure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exposure. Show all posts

Monday, 29 August 2016

Calling Adult Children of Narcissists to Vent Your Rage!

Calling all ACONs! 
Get your rage on and find validation HERE

The Narcissists have a playbook on how to systematically destroy others, now ACONs have their very own handbook to be liberated from the oppression of narcissistic abuse and receive validation along the path to freedom.

The book is called Breaking Free: A Way Out for Adult Children of Narcissists and it’s OUR book. OUR brick to shatter all of the Narcissist’s dirty little secrets and lies! Our message to the world that we will not stay silent!  

Currently our message is being diluted by those who CHOSE, as full grown adults, to be in relationships with purported Narcissists. ACONs had no choice. We are dealing with a lifetime of narcissistic abuse, not a few months or a few years. The Narcs sunk their evil tentacles into us when we were still plastic. Narcissistic abuse warped our perceptions of our self, other people, the world and our entire lives. Most of us didn’t even plan for the future because we were too busy surviving day-to-day.

Then society piles on and mutes our voice because we were abused by our parents and siblings. Apparently “family” get do whatever the hell they want to the people that share their DNA. If you are Malignant Narcissist granny you will be believed when you file false police reports against your estranged daughter. No questions asked because, after all, mother knows best even though “mother” has not seen her daughter in 25 years. I wonder if 'Betty Loo' who dated a Narcissist for 6 months and whines about it for 6 years has to deal with this kind of shit?!

Let’s break our silence. Let’s shred the universal pattern of adult children of narcissists being overlooked and abandoned. Let’s stop taking a back seat to those crying wolf, seeking attention, or nursing their bruised egos from being “devalued and discarded.” Let’s own what WE lived, continue to live and continue to survive. The asshats crying narc abuse the loudest and playing enlightened guru have made inroads exploiting our very real experiences. These frauds would have jack shit to write about if it weren’t for the adult children of narcissists who carved the way by sharing their hard earned knowledge and insights (there is a limit to what you can learn about narcissistic abuse when your only experience is a couple of alleged narcissists stepping on your toe in College).

Let’s take the megaphone away from those who have jumped on the narcissistic abuse bandwagon as a career choice, a hobby, for a social life and as a way to play victim or expert and receive unwarranted attention and recognition.

Let’s shout louder than the phonies and narcissist sympathizers. In fact, let’s make so much damn noise that we drown out the sniveling masses who believe narcissistic abuse is the best thing that ever happened to them and possessively cling to “their” Narcissist. The red flag of a phony is someone who says, “My Narcissist.”  Good grief! Most ACONs find it difficult to use the word mother or father let alone put the word “my” before it, and I have taken to writing “the” malignant narcissist mother/sister because I cringe at the thought of a connection, even if it is simply by use of a possessive pronoun.

I truly am sick and tired of all the charlatans getting air time.

It OUR time to be heard!  

So here’s what I am proposing….

Book Sample Page of a MN reading the "Playbook"

A proof of Breaking Free (an actual book) has been shipped to my home and will arrive this week. I am really excited about holding the book in my hand and also a little scared. The book has been through quite a metamorphosis. It began as a color book (because I’m a sucker for color), but the cost to print was obscenely expensive so that idea was scrapped. But all the hiccups throughout the process including the death of one computer, the near death of another (it’s currently being kept alive with a metal clamp – no joke!) have turned-out to be a blessing in disguise because they brought me full circle to my original idea and what I believe the book is truly meant to be:

A cool book for ACONs that has a graphic novel feel and look to it. The book is 6 x 9 trim and is currently 350 pages. It’s in black and white and has interesting illustrations throughout that suit the dark subject matter. I also hand-picked different fonts to go with each article. For example: The Brady Bunch font, The God Father font, Blood Gutter font (you get the idea). With the new interior came a new cover which better represents “Fuck You!” lit and the ACON message.

Breaking Free is a merging of the two eBooks with a few additional articles, a summary and lots more validating sound bites from readers. It’s going to sell for $21.99 across all channels and I want to give you the opportunity to personalize your book.

So here’s what I’m thinking: the book still needs to go through one final proof/edit and that means I can add pages. So I came up with the idea of a “Rage Page” or “Rage Pages” or an “ACON Blast!” These will be pages in the book where you can make your mark in print… forever!  Unless of course the book causes such uproar that it is burned and banned – wouldn’t that be awesome?! It would mean they are listening and running scared!

I have enabled “Anonymous” commenting on this blog post so you can shout from the rooftops whatever the hell you want to those who have wronged you. Vent your rage, send a covert message to your evil sibling, express your relief at breaking free from narcissistic abuse, share your wisdom, revel in your triumph over your abusers – make it your own! See it in print! 

Book Sample Pages

If the whole world was listening to you what would you want to say about being an ACON and narcissistic abuse? Now is your chance to send a message! It’s time to stop peekin’ and start speakin’!

Remember, it’s totally Anonymous. I won’t even know who you are.

But don’t waste your time being nasty to this blogger or any ACON. My give a damn is busted and we don’t give a shit about you!

The Proof Book Arrived Today!

Spread the word to other ACONs!

Here’s hoping you guys will let it rip!  

Thanks to Gladifoundyou and Ruby for stepping-up to vent your rage. Your comments made it in the book!

The book is now available to purchase HERE.  

Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

ACON Blogs And The Streisand Effect

Have you heard of the “Streisand Effect”?  Essentially, it’s about a shit ton of attention being drawn to information that’s in the process of being repressed. 

It’s interesting how narcissist “family” members and flying monkeys somehow find anonymous ACON blogs. By identifying with what is written and reacting so strongly to the content, they only admit their guilt. But they don’t see it that way. They don’t think their violent and abusive behavior is disgusting and despicable. They believe writing about it is. That, right there, is brain on narc.

In the Malignant narcissist's warped and twisted mind they feel entitled to abuse the living shit out of us. They see it as their right. We – the victims – have no right to object to the abuse. Being denied a defense is all part and parcel of the narcissistic abuse bundle. Doesn’t that sound like a human rights violation? When you look at it this way, you can see that narcissistic abuse is the most insidious violation of human rights. Everything under the umbrella of narcissistic abuse is virtually allowed under our justice system. I’m referring to such crimes as character assassination, psychological violence, diminishing anothers' self-worth, blaming, shaming, ostracizing, shunning, mobbing, scapegoating and worst of all, the malignant narcissist’s ability to usurp the will of another and replace it with their own. Vandalizing a person’s car is a serious crime, but vandalizing a person's mind is nothing? A human being’s most precious possession – their mind – is considered by our society to hold less value than an inanimate object. Trashing property is something, but trashing a person's reputation is nothing? A damaged life is irrelevant, but a dented vehicle is important?!

A human being's most scared personal qualities, the very assets that make-up our nature and that no one but ourselves has a right to stake a claim to - OUR MINDS, OUR CHARACTER, OUR HUMANITY - are precisely what the malignant narcissist feels entitled to get their grubby paws on and destroy. Why? Because they see human beings as nothing but objects. These freak truly believe they own us. That means they believe they own our indentity. The malignant narcissist feels entitled to steal, trash, vandalize, destroy, neutralize, and if all else fails, erase the very qualities that make us who we are as an individual, and replace them with a piece of fiction created to support their own self-serving narrative. By dirtying you up by fraud, the seedy narcissist gets to look clean by comparison - which is also fraud. And, in extreme case, the malignant narcissist doesn't just replace a person's true identity with a fake one, they actually replace a person with themselves. It's no exagerration that the malignant narcissist wants to control and dominate others - her ultimate goal is to literally possess them. Malignant narcissists deliberately set-out to usurp a person's free-will and replace it with their own will.  That, is the biggest power rush a malignant narcissist will ever receive: to drain you hollow and fill you with themselves. That, is the very definition of evil.

Malignant narcissists have zero respect for human life.  

Things need to change!

Everything that falls under the umbrella of narcissistic abuse needs to fall under the jurisdiction of crimes against humanity and these crimes need to be punishable by law. We all know that the worst offenders of these crimes – malignant narcissists – have established a “pattern” of destroying people. Patterns don’t lie. Patterns prove malice of intent. Patterns permit legal action. Patterns are quite prosecutable if you write sensible laws and enforce them.

Speaking of patterns, every malignant narcissist I’ve had the misfortune of knowing has demonstrated a pattern of obsessive stalking behavior. Stalking is currently a punishable offense. Perhaps these narcissists should consider that when they are hurling threats and accusations about what they find while they stalk, spy and monitor us on the internet.

I’m sure I speak for most ACONs when I say I wish I had nothing to write about. I truly wish the narcissists would magically transform into loving, caring human beings that genuinely regret what they have done and are willing to pay-off the debt they owe me with good deeds. Unfortunately, I know that will never happen. Not only will the narcissists never admit their wrong doing, there simply isn’t enough time left for them to right their wrongs.  I used to read comments on my blog and think to myself; thank god my family isn’t THAT crazy. Little did I know THAT crazy was coming down the pike. The narcissists continue to ramp-up their abuse of me and continue to give me tons of material to write about. I have volumes of content stored in my mental hard drive. If the narcissists want me to stop writing about their crimes, they should stop committing them.

Narcissistic abuse is a crime in progress. For adult children of narcissists the abuse occurs every day in real-time. It lives in our bodies, it lives in our minds, and it lives in our souls. The narcissists don’t need to launch an attack to hurt us. Don’t they know they have already done permanent damage? They should see that as winning. But don’t mistake this declaration as defeat on my part. I’m simply stating facts.

You narcissists should think about that while you’re strutting around on stage putting on a melodramatic performance of suffering victim.

You narcissists should also consider the Streisand Effect when you are trying to silence the true victim. It’s likely to produce the opposite result and draw attention to the thing you hate more than your target – Exposure. 

According to Wikipedia: The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware something is being kept from them, their motivation to access the information is increased.

It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose 2003 attempt to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California, inadvertently drew further public attention to it. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters to suppress numbers, files, and websites. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, often being widely mirrored across the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.

Mike Masnick of techdirt coined the term in 2005 in relation to a holiday resort issuing a takedown notice to (a site dedicated to photographs of urinals) over use of the resort's name.

How long is it going to take before lawyers realize that the simple act of trying to repress something they don't like online is likely to make it so that something that most people would never, ever see (like a photo of a urinal in some random beach resort) is now seen by many more people? Let's call it the Streisand Effect.   — Mike Masnick,

The term invoked Barbra Streisand who had unsuccessfully sued photographer Kenneth Adelman and for violation of privacy. The US $50 million lawsuit endeavored to remove an aerial photograph of Streisand's mansion from the publicly available collection of 12,000 California coastline photographs. Adelman photographed the beachfront property to document coastal erosion as part of the California Coastal Records Project, which was intended to influence government policymakers. Before Streisand filed her lawsuit, "Image 3850" had been downloaded from Adelman's website only six times; two of those downloads were by Streisand's attorneys. As a result of the case, public knowledge of the picture increased substantially; more than 420,000 people visited the site over the following month.

Friday, 1 April 2016

The Sociopath Takes What Doesn't Belong to Her

I write you this letter to explain something to you. You have a serious personality disorder whose very symptoms, paradoxically, may leave you unaware that you have it.

Or, you may be “aware” of your disorder in an “intellectual” sense but consequent to your disorder, you lack appropriate alarm and shame over its expression.

People who do not have your disorder, if they were told they had it (and of its nature), would feel extremely unnerved and shamed to hear this feedback.

You, on the other hand, neither feel nor react with expected levels of uneasiness to learn of your disorder. Your reactions, expressing either calm indifference, an attitude of smug superiority or, alternatively, extreme irritation and indignation, add credence to the diagnosis.

You were probably not “born” with this disorder, but it’s also probable that you brought a biological tendency to it whose eventual emergence your upbringing probably encouraged or elicited.

Your disorder is called a number of different names that can be confusing, among them sociopath, psychopath, antisocial personality disorder, malignant narcissist, and more informal names. Although there may be some useful distinctions between these terms, the confusion they produce probably exceeds the usefulness of these distinctions.

More important are the common elements between them which describe a similar phenomenon – a human being like yourself who, while intellectually aware of common standards and laws of “right and wrong,” nonetheless grossly, chronically violates the boundaries and integrity of others with deficient remorse, deficient empathy, a deficient sense of accountability and, typically, with an attitude of contempt, or indifference towards the experiences and suffering of those you’ve violated.

You might recognize yourself in this description, but you may not. If you do, as I’ve suggested, your recognition of yourself as having this disorder will not produce an appropriate response.

But if you don’t recognize yourself from this description it’s likely to be a function of more than just your denial. Rather, your failure to see yourself, truly, as a sociopath probably reflects to an extent, an aforementioned feature of your disorder: I refer again to your deficient empathy as a consequence of which you are actually incapable of feeling more than superficial, transient concerns about, and remorse for your hurtful impact on others.

It is possible that hurting others is a primary goal but it’s also likely hurting others is a byproduct of your primary aim (and lifelong pattern) of taking something from others that doesn’t belong to you.

In other words, you may or may not intentionally seek to hurt others, but in either case your condition leaves you depleted of normal, inhibiting levels of compassion, sympathy and empathy towards others.

Your disorder has other essential features. The reason you can take from people, steal from them – their property, possessions, money, their dignity, sometimes their lives – and suffer so negligibly, if at all from your abuse of them, is that you do not respect them.

Your condition fundamentally leaves you with a characterological disrespect of others.

You view the world as a competition ground for gratification. People around you are thus players in this metaphorical drama; players from whom your principle inclination is to take, cajole, exploit and manipulate whatever it is that will leave you, not them, in a more comfortable, satiated condition.

You feel that your gratification – your present security, status, satisfaction and entertainment – takes precedence over everyone else’s. Your gratification is simply more important than anything else.

In your mind, you are entitled to the gratification you seek – in whatever forms you presently seek it – even when it costs others a great deal of pain towards which, as we’ve established, you bring a disordered lack of empathy and concern. This is a very twisted notion – specifically, the conviction that your gratification and its pursuit are virtually your inalienable right – a notion that supports the rationalizing of the chronic expression of your abusive, exploitative attitudes and behaviors towards others.

Finally, this makes you, your organized Crime Ring, and any accomplice who carries-out your “assaults” a remorseless violator of innocent people.

In an effort to put a stop to your destructive acts and mitigate injury to others, I am willing to get you help for your severe mental problems.

I have booked you an appointment at the department of criminal psychology at UBC for a formal “diagnosis”, but as you may or may not know, your disorder is notoriously unamenable to known “treatments." 

A more viable option to protect others from your criminal behavior and escalating psychological violence is for you, and your partners in crime, to live out the rest of your miserable days in a cage.  

I will continue to pursue every opportunity available to make sure this happens. 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

The Malignant Narcissist As Character Assassin

If you have been targeted by a malignant narcissist for serious abuse, be aware that the abuse includes character assassination – the annihilation of who you are as a person. Just as through murder a careful criminal leaves no witnesses, a malignant narcissist is careful to abuse on the sly and destroy the victim’s credibility in advance in order to “leave no witnesses.” Character assassination is the premeditated murder of the target’s image, their good name, their reputation and ultimately their life.   

It takes extreme treachery to replace an authentic self with a false image of that person, and who is better skilled to do that than a sneaky malignant narcissist. Take a look at their lives; who they appear to be and who they really are. They don’t connect with reality. They live in a fictitious world of smoke and mirrors where appearances are all that matter. Narcissists only identify with their false image and they expect you to identify with the false image they invent of you. They NEED you to appear to the world the way they NEED you to be. It's your life according to the narcissist's script.

As Kathy Krajco wrote in her book “What Makes Narcissists Tick”:

Narcissists try to make you be what they say you are because, like a psychopath, they view you as an object, not as a human person with perceptions and a mind of your own. They view you as an extension of themselves (like a tool) to control. It is the moral equivalent of control a rapist thinks he has over the body of another, whom he views as but an object, and extension of himself, an executioner of his will. Psychologists call this bizarre behavior “projective identification,” a defense mechanism. The narcissist wants you to identify with the image he projects on you. You are a mirror to reflect his fantasy, so he pressures you to behave as though it is real.

Okay… So there’s that. We are nothing but objects the malignant narcissist feels entitled to use abuse and exploit in any way they please. They use control tactics such as lies, slander, projection, triangulation etc. to create a false image of their target which is always about glorifying themselves and degrading the victim. BUT, they also have motive. They are very invested in the way the target behaves because they have something at stake: malignant narcissists are continually engaged in post abuse cover-up. The key word here is “behave.” Malignant narcissists don’t care what the target thinks or how they feel or who they really are. ALL people are just objects to the narcissist. The malignant narcissist only care what their target thinks and feels insofar as it affects their behavior. And they will do whatever it takes to pressure the target into behaving according to their script.

Like a physical rapist who attacks when there are no witnesses, the malignant narcissist carries-out violent psychological rape covertly. The target, being the victim of the crimes is an expert witness of the narcissist. The narcissist’s greatest fear is a credible witness - the target. So, just as a rapist may use intimidation, blackmail, gagging and threats to coerce the victim to silence; the narcissist abuser does the same. But when control tactics fail to silence the victim, the malignant narcissist goes in for the kill.  

Character assassination is the narcissist’s method of taking a hit out on the target. The idea is to stop the target from reporting the narcissist's crimes to the authorities. Stop the target from being taken seriously by the authorities. Stop the target from taking the stand and testifying. The target is the most credible character witness against the vile malignant narcissist and they know it, so they retaliate like angry vandals smashing-up the target's most precious possession – their character. Character assassination is punishment for unmasking the malignant narcissist and breaking the "no talk" rule. It’s about condemning the target to a life in prison for the crimes the narcissist commits. Character assassination is about scapegoating the target, so the target ends-up with the reputation and the life the malignant narcissist deserves. Character assassination is about DESTROYING the evidence; the credibility of their most damning witness - their main target(s).

I come from a family with 3 malignant narcissist abusers, so I know how they operate. I’ve been observing them in action since I slept in a crib. They ALL abuse on the sly. They ALL slander and discredit me behind my back. They ALL paint me as the “problem.” And they ALL play the victim. You better believe I’m a “problem” to the malignant narcissist mob. I have escaped solitary confinement of “no talk” prison and my mouth is running loose.  

If going no contact is akin to placing yourself in the witness protection program, then what I’ve experienced is like being framed for a crime I didn’t commit, going to prison, breaking out and being hunted with a target on my back. The malignant narcissists will stop at nothing to make their target (me) take the fall. Just as a criminal doesn’t want to do hard time, the malignant narcissist doesn’t want to face the hardcore reality of who they are. As a result, the fugitive of a MN cult is subjected to the same threat as any defector who escapes with a suitcase full of sensitive inside information that could bring down the regime. 

Character assassination, smear campaigns and vandalizing the target’s image are tactics used by the malignant narcissist to avoid public shame of the truth. The malignant narcissist is terrified of having their freedom taken away – their freedom to abuse and exploit others whenever the hell they want. They are complete frauds and are absolutely terrified of being exposed.

Why are they so scared? Because malignant narcissists rely on using, abusing and scapegoating others to feel superior. And feeling superior is the name of the game. If they were forced to acknowledge their debts and dependencies on others (even if their debts and dependencies are through maltreatment) they would no longer appear superior. The malignant narcissist would be completely humiliated if others knew their limitations – that in order to feel good and appear good, they must make others feel bad and look bad.  That’s a pretty pathetic existence. Not only that, they would likely be punished for exploiting others opportunistically. So, malignant narcissists cover their tracks, by becoming cunning and devious, concealing their true motives and actions as much as possible. This is where character assassination comes in. 

The ability to project an image is relied upon more than ever when the narcissist is close to being outwitted and exposed. At this stage, narcissists become completely deceptive and extremely treacherous in an attempt to sustain whatever dishonesty they are guilty of while not appearing to be dishonest.

If you have been on the receiving end of a malignant narcissist post-abuse cover-up/character assassination then you know this can create terrifyingly bizarre scenes that make you wonder if you are living a nightmare.  In fact, things can become so strange and surreal that if you were to try and explain what the narcissist just pulled-off, people would think you are tripping on psychedelic drugs. This is where I have to hand it to those crazy evil fucks; they create scenarios that are so inexplicable their victims are left tongue-tied. Malignant Narcissists will do whatever, and I mean whatever it takes to cover their tracks - including, inflicting MORE abuse on to the victim. In fact, the narcissist's post-abuse cover-up is always more destructive than the original crime. 

Who would believe a “sister” and “mother” would call the police and accuse their victim of doing to them the exact thing they are in the process of doing to her? Who would believe a sister would lie to police and state her innocent sister is schizophrenic and violent just to avoid the embarrassment of being outed a cyberstalker? Who would believe a sister would lie outrageously to authorities and destroy her innocent sister's reputation just to punish her for breaking the "NO TALK" rule of the MN asylum? Who would believe protesting the malignant narcissist’s viciousness, abuse and lies would drive the malignant narcissist cult to even more extreme acts of brutality to dis-empower and silence the victim? For example, the MN sister is given access by the MN father to clean-out her sister’s bank account so she has no money and is forced to endure severe financial stress that’s piled onto to the stress of her trying to obtain employment with a massive road block the malignant narcissist intentionally laid with her calculated slander; slander that was also spread to the victim’s neighbors that resulted in the victim’s home environment being unsafe which forced her to have to pack-up and move. That’s an example of how malignant narcissists use the weight of mounting pressure to try and break the victim’s back. It’s called intentional infliction of emotional distress and it's designed to kill, or, at the very least, render the victim neutralized and to mentally and physically weak to fight back. 

The severity of the malignant narcissist’s crime is of no significance to the MN. Whether they get CAUGHT lying to police or snooping through your sock drawer, the gaslighting and cruelties they inflict to try and silence the witness never match the crimes they are in the process of covering-up. In the malignant narcissist’s eyes, the victim is expendable. For example, the malignant narcissist mother doesn’t give a damn if she destroys her daughter’s life to the point where she ends up destitute and living on the streets, just as long as people never “believe” what the daughter says about her being a bad mother. See what I’m saying? Their maliciousness reaches delusional proportions as they become obsessed with protecting their false image and ruining the victim so they can remain superior... and triumph. It's very important for the malignant narcissist to WIN at all costs.    

Character assassination destroys careers, marriages, and relationships, isolating the victim “to the desert” of humankind. Except for the fortunate who have independent means, it’s usually a trip down Skid Row, with one ramification after another barring every way out and relentlessly crushing and hammering the victim into ---- guess what? Exactly what their assassin says they are. This is where rag pickers and bag ladies and suicides come from. The victim will ask why he bothered to be a good person when what a person is isn’t up to him --- when it’s up to whatever others choose to make of him. --- “What Makes Narcissists Tick”

The malignant narcissist degrades and humiliates others, trashes good names, maligns strong character and ruins reputations because there is a huge pay off for them - protection/cover-up/conspiracy of silence. They will stop at nothing to obstruct the whistleblower from outing their morally repugnant, debauched, and parasitic existence. 

Bottom Line:  If you cannot drop off the grid, go into the no contact witness protection program or lay low then the malignant narcissist better fear you, or you better have some kind of power. Because if you decide to fight back, clear your name and expose the narcissist cult you can expect to be under attack from all sides: finances, career/job, home, relationships, reputation, children etc. It’s unrelenting and it often ends in marginalization of the victim.

For those of you who aren’t convinced of the malignant narcissist’s wrath when it comes to loss of control over their false image and their victim, you might want to ask the question “How exactly did Kathy Krajco die?”

Kathy Krajco, ACON blogger and author of “What Makes Narcissists Tick” wrote under her real name, and she wrote extensively about her abusive malignant narcissist father and sister. Kathy’s mother died in 1992, and her father died in 2004. So by the time she was blogging about malignant narcissism both her parents had passed away.

According to Kathy’s blog, her sister Terese was gainfully employed as a teacher, but lived at home with her parents her entire life. From what I gather, she mooched off her parents while hoarding her own money and even ended up manipulating the MN father into disinheriting Kathy. Kathy was also a teacher and I suspect she was a target of a career smear campaign orchestrated by Terese. Throughout Kathy’s blog and book there are numerous accounts of Terese’s bullying and abuse. For example, Kathy had a heart condition and one day Terese, who lived across the street, hired a snow plow guy to block Kathy’s driveway with snow. This meant that Kathy would have to go out and shovel in order to get her car out of the driveway. It’s would appear that Terese wanted to induce a heart attack in Kathy. Only a malignant narcissist could dream-up a scheme like that.

Kathy died unexpectedly in her home on May 9, 2008. She was 56 years old. Her sister Terese was the one who discovered her body. After Kathy died, her blog started being mysteriously dismantled. The only way that could happen is if someone had access to it. I know from experience, that I can leave my blog sitting around dormant for months without it being tampered.

I remember when I read online that Kathy had died, I cried. It was a huge loss to the ACON blogging community. And for years it bothered me that this brave woman who championed for the victims of narcissistic abuse was taken from this world, while an evil malignant narcissist (her sister) lived on.
Anna V of Narcissists Suck blog ordered Kathy’s death certificate to find out the cause of death. There didn’t appear to be anything suspicious in the report. Apparently Kathy died of natural causes – her heart may have given out.

Despite this information, there has always been a part of me that was left speculating whether or not Kathy’s sister played a hand in her death. Perhaps it’s because I have a malignant narcissist sister who is capable of anything, and wants to obliterate me for breaking the “no talk” rule. I have witnessed how out of control a malignant narcissist can become when they lose even an inch of control over their target and their precious image.

A couple of months ago my curiosity got the better of me and I read Kathy’s online obituary and Googled her sister’s name. What I discovered is this: Terese Krajco retired from teaching in 2012, and died in her home 5 years to the day that her sister Kathy died. I find it significant that Terese Krajco died on the anniversary of Kathy’s death.

Unlike Kathy’s obit that stated she died “unexpectedly,” Terese Krajco’s obit simply said she died alone at home on May 9, 2013 at the age of 59.

Is the date of Terese Krajco’s death a coincidence or an indication of a disturbed personality carrying out a ritualistic act? Did Terese assassinate Kathy? Did repressed guilt and shame finally surface to the conscience of a malignant narcissist and prompt her to off herself? Or, was she just fresh out of narc supply and saw no reason to carry on? I don’t know, but I know this:

I know if I were to die “unexpectedly” and under "suspicious" circumstances, I would want my sister to be a person of interest and be thoroughly investigated. The bitch is totally capable of murder. Or at least, hiring a thug to do it for her. 

I’m living proof (no pun intended) that my malignant narcissist sister is capable of character assassination which is just as violent, if not crueler than a physical assassination.